Sunday, July 15, 2007

Where have all the SOA Standards Gone?

So Dave Linthicom is commenting on how few standards or discussions about standards there are concering SOA right now. I have to agree with his statements at the end. Standards help and are important, but they have to come together on the implementation of technology. They can't just be about marketing. According to Dave, that appears to have been the trend in the beginning.

You have to wonder who is writing the standards, and who is buying into them. What bodies approve/finalize them? Is this a pick and choose process? Or has the process of developing standards become confused and lost its focus?

In my mind there shouldn't be 60+ standards for SOA. I doubt seriously there are 60+ technologies involved. Is there a right number of standards? My answer would be one or two on each technology. Is that a pipedream? Is it unrealistic? I just know that it needs to be useful rather than overwhelming or conflicting.

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