Sunday, July 1, 2007

SOA approaches pondered

Okay, so I'm finally reading an article that is describing SOA more than most. According to the author, SOA is an enterprise architecture design methodology and is not about technology. It started out that way, but then it drifted...into Web 2.0.

Rob Levy, BEA CTO, says the next wave of SOA will bring Web 2.0-like capabilities into the enterprise. So now we are combining topics. According to Levy, the next generation of SOA applications needs to cater to human nature and collaboration. Because we are, essentially, social creatures with a need to collaborate.

In general I believe we are doing more to collaborate in the workplace, but is it enough? And can security needs support collaboration without stifling it? Time will tell, but I believe it is going to come down to risk management. We are going to have to manage more risks than we ever have before.

That is what it is going to take to succeed in business tomorrow. Maybe not today, but definitely in the future. Everything and everyone are going to have to integrate to some degree to move forward, and not be left behind.

Good luck world, we're gonna need it!

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